1. Volatility & Vapor Pressure
An oil with high volatility is more likely to turn from a liquid to a vapor as the temperature increases. Vapor pressure is the pressure with which the oil molecules try to escape the oil as vapor, since there is a tendency for liquids to evaporate. What this means is that a lower vapor pressure is preferred because less evaporation means less variance in the overall pressure and the pump performs more efficiently.
2. Pump Oil Viscosity
Viscosity is often the primary consideration when selecting vacuum pump oil. The viscosity of a fluid is a measure of its resistance to flow – so low viscosity is thin and runny while high viscosity is thick and sticky. This is determined by the size of the molecules in the fluid. The essential consideration is that as temperatures rise, the viscosity of the fluid decreases and that can impact the flow of the oil as well as the seal between components.
3. Vacuum Pump Additives
Additives in a motor oil differ from what might be found in a vacuum pump oil because they serve distinctly different functions. For example, motor oil may contain rust inhibitors that would separate from the base fluid and deposit on interior services as a gummy residue. Vacuum pump oil, however, is refined for use in a vacuum pump and may contain additives for corrosion resistance, anti-oxidation and anti-foaming.
4. Let a Professional Help
The choice of vacuum pump oils and fluids can seem difficult. We know that making the right fluid choice can mean the difference between a smooth running operation and frustrating down time. To help make your selection give us a call at 801-486-1015.